Alice*, 16
A - Finally, something normal!
If I were you, I'd make 100% sure that it's her. Be sneaky and show up at her house, unannounced. That way, she won't have time to hide any of your stolen stuff! If she tries to make excuses and won't let you in, just be persistent.
It's hard to confront a friend about a thing like stealing - what if it's a misunderstanding blah blah blah. Well, just drop a few hints: 'I saw you in town the other day and I loved your earrings - I had some like it but I can't find them anywhere' and 'I saw photos on FB - nice glitter, I had the same glitter stick - I wonder where it is?' And watch her expression. If she doesn't budge, just kindly ask her if she has no idea where your stuff is going, if she doesn't know about your other friends and tell her you won't be mad.
If all fails, or you don't have the guts to confront her, simples. Don't ask her round again. Always say you're not in the mood, you have plans etc. Only if there are more people, and still keep an eye on her.
Abraca-dabra, problem solved!
Happy scheming x
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