Wahey! I've been nominated by awesome Olivia, check her blog out: teenawake.blogspot.co.uk for the Liebster Award! I'm so happy!
Ehm, ehm. I'd like to thank my family, my best friend, my cat for being so supportive, my teachers, and my biggest inspiration, Draco Malfoy (when he's nice only), for helping me achieve my goals to get nominated, I just *dried tears*. So friends, enemies, join me to this mahoosive celebration and let's get started.
No, but seriously, I really do appreciate this!

Liebster Award: This award is for any bloggers who have 300 or less followers. Liebster is a German word, meaning dearest, sweetest, beloved, kindest, loveliest, nicest, welcome...
- The award is for bloggers with under 300 followers.
- Nominees must link back to those who nominated them in their Award post.
- Those nominated must state 11 random facts about themselves and answer the 11 questions given to them by the blogger who nominated you.
- Make up 11 new questions to be answered by another 11 bloggers chosen by you.
- No tag-backs! (Don't nominate the awesome person who nominated you, as they have already done the Liebster Award).
Let's get the party started!
11 Facts about me:
1. I LOVE Harry Potter, I LOVE Pretty Little Liars, I LIKE Gossip Girl (ok, enough with TV)
2. Food is my love - eating makes me well happy!
3. I hate the word YOLO - 'Yolo shit just got cray cray, let's get drunk till we aint know it's morning blood' More like, 'Yolo, so I'll wear my seatbelt!' Hmm? Better?
4. My favouorite colour is SPARKLES!
5. I can't stand most celebrities - but there are a few I adore!
6. I think Aria is A...
7. My obsession at the moment is wearing loads of rings!
8. I hate my voice! Wish I could eat a chalk to change it (a figure of speech, don't even think about trying this at home)!
9. I used to love shoes- until I got broke! Now I only have about 3 pairs! :(
10. When I grow up, I wanna be a top fashion magazine editor (definitely not designer, I'm too lazy to sew)
11. I hate spicy food
(And I wrote the word I wayy too many times, I really need to work on that, don't I? HAHAHA I just I... haha! I! I can't stop laughing, I...!)
11 Questions by Olivia:
1. Sandals or flip flops and why?
Strappy, platform sandals - I'm really short!
2. Lipstick or lip gloss and why?
"Lipstick lasts longer, but lipgloss is more fun" So both; but maybe gloss as I get paranoid my lipstick might be smudged!
3. What would be your fashion nightmare?
Real fur or leather - grosses me out!
4. What about your fashion dream?
To get my hands on anything from Blair Waldorf's closet! Her clothes = eyecandy!
5. What's the best moisturiser you've ever used?
None - still looking for The One!
6. Would you colour in/dye your eyebrows or do you leave them alone?
Leave them - my perfectly arched eyebrows are my best feature!
7. Are you a tea lover, coffee lover or neither?
Neither! Why won't people ask if I'd like an OJ, maybe?
8. Would you shop in a charity shop for new trends?
Shoes? Maybe. Clothes, no. Well, sometimes they do have beautiful dresses, especially the vintage charity shops! Don't get me wrong though, I do spent a lot of money on charity!
9. Have you ever DIY your own clothes?
I tried - a fringed top and a shoulder cut out - both failed and are located at the back of my closet.
10. What is you aim for 2013?
To get a letter for Hogwarts and tango with Justin Bieber. (not really :) Ok, to get A's in all my exams and it'd be awesome to do something really nice for someone. Really nice.
11. What do you aim to achieve with your blog in the next 5 years?
I want Teen Vogue to stalk me! When I reveal my identity, they'll be the first to know - I'll go see them for an interview, and I'll be like: "Vibe is my blog" with my stupid voice, and they'll be like: "Nooooo, you're kidding!" In other words, I'd like it to be famous - not for me, but I want to give advice to people who need it and stuff, you know?
Nominees - visit these awesome blogs, I have good taste!:
1) http://prettylittlethingstodo.blogspot.co.uk/
2) http://hashtaglifeyumsigh.blogspot.co.uk/
3) http://british-teenage-gal.blogspot.co.uk/
4) http://joannether.blogspot.co.uk/
5) http://anilikestoblog.blogspot.co.uk/
6) http://smithkyonne.blogspot.co.uk
7) http://ellieyocandy.blogspot.co.uk/
8) http://leblogmaquillage.blogspot.co.uk
9) http://asupersunnyspot.blogspot.co.uk/
10) http://outoftheblueinspiration.blogspot.co.uk/
11) http://freshbeautyxox.blogspot.co.uk/
11) http://cat2hrine.blogspot.co.uk/
Nominees - visit these awesome blogs, I have good taste!:
1) http://prettylittlethingstodo.blogspot.co.uk/
2) http://hashtaglifeyumsigh.blogspot.co.uk/
3) http://british-teenage-gal.blogspot.co.uk/
4) http://joannether.blogspot.co.uk/
5) http://anilikestoblog.blogspot.co.uk/
6) http://smithkyonne.blogspot.co.uk
7) http://ellieyocandy.blogspot.co.uk/
8) http://leblogmaquillage.blogspot.co.uk
9) http://asupersunnyspot.blogspot.co.uk/
10) http://outoftheblueinspiration.blogspot.co.uk/
11) http://freshbeautyxox.blogspot.co.uk/
11) http://cat2hrine.blogspot.co.uk/
And finally,11 questions you guys should answer:
1) What's a rebellious thing you've done?
2) Whats your guilty pleasure?
3) Who would you like to meet and why (be it a celebrity or a friend, family...)
4) What's your favourite book and why?
5) Favourite TV show?
6) Have you ever slapped someone?
7) An embarrassing moment?
8) What's your dream job?
9) Most beautiful things about you (don't say none, we all have something!)?
10) Heels or flats?
11) Would you rather lick a frog or stick your bare butt against the window for 1 minute?

Have fun guys! x
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for mentioning and awarding my blog. It means a lot to me and it is very much appreciated. Cool blog you've got yourself.
Happy Blogging
- Sunny @ www.asupersunnyspot.blogspot.com
Thanks for nominating me for this! It really means a lot :D. I'd love it if you followed my blog btw :) x
ReplyDeleteAnd if anyone else wants to check out my blog please do! I would love some feedback! :)
sure thing (: Already following (my picture is different on the follow thingy) I love your blog, you're amazing!
DeleteHello! Thanks for the nomimation! I think this is a really great thing you're doing because it's helping us with our blogs and getting other people to view them who otherwise would never before been able to find us so, thanks!! and i would LOVE to be part of this competition! is there anything i need to do to apply or enter?
ReplyDeleteI'm very new to blogging so this really is great help so if anyone would like to visit my blog here it is >> http://anilikestoblog.blogspot.co.uk/ <<
Tell me your opinions (be as harsh as you want!), or ask me any questions?
-Ani xx