Friday 23 November 2012

Save money on Christmas gifts for friends!!

Ugh, it's that time of the year again. Yay for Xmas. Boo for trying to find respectable presents for your friends. The problem is, it ain't cheap. Even if a lipgloss costs £2, and there's like 10 friends in your group, you'll spend a lot!

Unless you do a Secret Santa, that is! Duuurh.

It's really fun!

¯   Cut out as many pieces of paper as there are friends in your group (don't leave anyone out!)
¯   Each write your name on top, and your likes and dislikes below. Try to be vague and don't be too picky, you want to be surprised, no? An example:

Katie P
I like anything pink, hair and lip stuff (especially lipglosses), cheap ballet pumps, sweets (hint hint, nudge nudge), jewellery..
I don't like perfumes (allergic), books and gift cards - oh I hate gift cards! lol.

¯  Fold your little piece of paper over, and throw it into a hat or something.
¯  Now each pull out a random piece of paper from the hat! Now you have someone else's piece of paper. This is the person you'll get a present for! (If you pick out yourself, shout it out asap so you can start again and trade!
¯  Remember, this is anonymous, so you can't tell anyone who you've got. Now get their present, wrap it up and arrange a present opening day! If you really want to stay anonymous, wrap the gifts, stick a label with the name of the receiver and throw it under a Christmas tree, then later, each find your present and unwrap! Wahey!

¯  TIP: Arrange a budget price! For example, nothing above £8 or so. This is so that one person doesn't get nice, pink dress with flowers + sequins sewn on and another a chewing gum *sob*. (This actually happened at my school).

Yay! This way everyone will get one nice present without spending too much money. Plus, you'll have a rough idea what to get thanks to the like/dislike guide!

Gift Girl x

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