Saturday 20 October 2012

Dear It Girl, what maccup can I use if Im only 10?

Whoopie! My very first advice help e-mail came today!

Q - What maccup can I use if Im only 10?
      [Translation: What make-up can I use if I'm only 10 years old?]
A - Well. My advice is very simple. Find a box of felt-tips in your room. Use red as lipstick, blue as eye shadow and some orange to add blush to your baby cheeks! You'll look all grown up! Here's a video to help you, if you want to take things to an even further level!
No, but seriously. You're 10. The only make-up you need is.. well, none. The one thing I can't stand is little girls who try to be grown ups. And L'Oreal. And celebrities who thinks they're queens. And fake reality shows. Aaand girls who think you love love them. Annnndd teachers who give you DETENTION for not bringing homework, and then they forget to grade your test, claiming they 'have other students' - well, I have other LESSONS! *#$&@£!*
Ooops, got a little of the point there. Anyway, Alice, I'm sure you're a beautiful gal and don't even need make-up. You don't want to block your skin from getting its air. It's healthy to be natural. Plus, you're a kid for only a few more years, but you'll have plenty of time using make-up as an adult!
If you really want to wear make-up, use lipgloss. But no more.

It Girl x

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