Saturday 20 October 2012

Sweet Dreams: Dream Journals

If you happened to read Seventeen magazine a few issues back, you might've come across an interview with Shay (I-love-her) Mitchell! You would've also read that she keeps a dream journal, which, as I found out, isn't such a bad idea. Here's how.
A nice decor for a dream book
  • Get a small journal. It doesn't have to be expensive - in fact, a simple cover is a great decorating base. Stickers, drawings, gift wrappers etc. can all serve as a personalizing touch to your journal.
  • Start writing in all your future plans, crazy fantasies and hopes: If you like your notes random, messy, short and sweet, then just fill your dream book cover-to-cover with any of your dreams, nightdreams, advice and doubts you'd like to change.
  • If you are organised, unlike me, split it into: Daydreams, Nightdreams,  Future, and any other topics you might come up with, but these 3 are the classics.
Daydreams: This is the place for any thoughts you had during your school time when you were drifting into your own little world (happened to me at Chem class today - major embarrassment, but it was worth it, as I came up with my party costume!). You might be thinking about saving someone's life, travelling the world, or crushing someone's dreams as the X Factor judge. Only write down what you'd like to remember and can be bothered with, you don't want to write everything unless you have absolutely nothing to do until midnight. Boo!

Nightdreams: Have many weird, weird dreams and curious what they might mean? Or you might just have OCD like me, and want to remember lots of your dreams just to have a laugh in the future? Then keep your dream book under you pillow or something, and everytime you had a dream, write it down soon after you wake up (this is when the dream is still fresh in our mind). Then you can figure out, laugh at them with friends or just feel really cool for having a dream/nightmare book. If like writing stories, your very won dreams can be the start of a new best selling novel! Thumbs up!

Future: Nothing can be more nerve-wracking than being lost in your future plans - I should know. Whether you can't pick between many career pathways, or nothing is good enough for you, a dream book can help. Write down every single option you may take in the future. If you don't know, you can write down any crazy fantasies. Here is an example:
 - Complete school with 3 A's and 1 B to get my University course in Business
 - Study Law at Oxford Uni and become BFFs with Emma Watson there
 - OR get a sport scholarship in the USA (tennis)
 - OR continue junior college course for 1 year in health and social care

 - Create and sell jewelry online
 - Create a well known fashion brand
 - Become a lawyer

 - Fly to Zimbabwe to help with school and house building
 - Stop L'Oreal from animal testing
 - Meet Misha B and sing on stage with Beyonce
 - Be the main role in series like Gossip Girl

This is just an example, although some of these things appeal to me :) My dream book looks completely different.

Lastly, just write down any thought, any advice people give you about your future etc. You know how to handle it!
WARNING: Dream books may be very embarrassing if your peers get their hands on them. Therefore, I advise you to do an Alison DiLaurentis and keep your secrets well hidden. This is especially crucial if you share your house with a younger sibling - you know what I mean!
DeeDee - the annoying sibling!

Sweet Dreams x

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