Friday 16 November 2012

Diary - Story Time!

The awkward moment when I have more American readers than UK ones. Don't take this the wrong way though, I love Americans! Thanks darlings!

Also, someone tried to log onto my account, hmm :D It's funny though, I don't mind. Just wanted to remember it!

Everyone, yes even you guys from Sweden, follow my blog! I get so many readers each day, yes not many followers.. yet! Just find the follow button at the right side of my blog, underneath all the babbling and 'show of the month'!

Alice and Lisa were best friends for a whole year. They shared everything - clothes, secrets, cigarettes, homework.. Even though they weren't real family, Lisa was a sister to Alice more than anyone.
The thing about Lisa that Alice so admired was her wildness. She wanted to be confident and fearless, and not care what anyone thinks.
Smoking, drinking and skinny dipping were things that they normally did at the week-ends. They were almost 17 after all. It was all fun and games, until one day, Lisa took things too far.

"She made me do it!" Alice cried.
Headmistress Francis shook her head. "Nobody made you do anything, sweetheart," she said in a cold tone. "You could have easily stopped this. Tell me exactly what happened, in your words."

The story is simple. Alice goes swimming every Friday with Faith, an older girl who stole Lisa's role in a school play. Lisa knew she was being dramatic and immature, but she liked to feel power. Revenge was dished out for any little thing anyone ever did to her - even accidentally. 

"She texted me that if I should take the picture if I dare. She provoked me by adding that I don't have to, that her other, more daring friends can do it if I chicken out, and that it's alright."

So Alice, not aware of the reverse psychology, took a picture of Faith - without her clothes on. She quickly sent the picture to Lisa, thinking that she was safe - whatever happens now, it won't be on me, because I have nothing else to do with it, thought Alice, deleting the disturbing photo.

Now she's in deep shit. Lisa sent the picture on Facebook, thinking she'll delete it within an hour, before Faith realises. Doesn't she know that gossip gets to everyone? The next day, she was questioned by the headmistress and totally messed up everything for Alice - she did admit to posting the photo, but convinced her that Alice was behind it all; taking the photo, sending it on etc. 

Poor Alice.

My response: This is a true story, believe it or not, that happened at my last school. Luckily, I was much younger than these girls, so I was way of the incident's radar. Moral of the story? Don't get caught... Maybe don't take pictures of other people naked.

You know I'm joking! x

Inspiring Quote:
"If opportunity doesn't knock, built a door."

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