Friday 16 November 2012

Most Annoying Things on FACEBOOK

Facebook - gosh love it! However, I do the occasional face palm when I see some posts that are just... well, dumb.

The Angry People

The 'I'm ugly' People
Click to enlarge x

The Gullible People

The 'Comic Strip' People
Um, YOLO was NEVER acceptable.

More annoying stuff:
  • Farmville. Always Farmville. And ShittyVille, Yoville, Sims, It Girl, Restaurant City...
  • Chain mails: I should have been killed about 283 times by a blind lonely girl with red eyes and no nose at midnight. 283 times.
  • People that share EVERYTHING. As in: 'Just havin lunch yum I love pasta'.
  • People that share too much personal life. This includes FB fights with boyfriends/girlfriends, talking about how much money you have, or what you just produced on the toilet. Ew.
  • Directioners. We get it, you LOVE 1D, but does your profile AND cover photo have to be of the band? And your every status?
  • Ugh - the 'Repost if you hate cancer. 95% of the heartless people won't repost this status.' So, by not reposting and blackmailing my friends with a status, I;m heartless? Um, why don't you get off your ass and go donate to actually help people who suffer cancer, instead of sitting infront of your computer and being horrible to people who don't repost your status!
  • The pictures: 'Like if you love your Grandpa. Ignore if you want him to die.' So, by 'liking' a status, I'll save my grandpa's life? I'm not even commenting on this...

To be honest though, some of these people make Facebook fun - something to laugh at!

PS: I found the photos on google. I apologise to any persons who appear in the status photos. The girl at the 'I'm ugly' photo is really pretty, don't get the wrong idea.