Saturday 17 November 2012

Teeth: Perfect Imperfections

Braces, braces, everywhere! Why though?
I get that if your tooth is stuck pointing forwards or something to that measure, you'll want your teeth straighter for purposes like easier eating. But why bother will all the crap about not being able to eat apples or, even worse, toffees and chewing gum - when your 'imperfect' teeth are not that bad?
Let me give a few examples.

'Vampire' teeth
So the two of your from teeth at the side are a bit longer that the rest, or pushed forwards - and? If I'd be lucky enough to have 'vampire' like teeth, I'd enjoy it and ever complain! Looking wicked yet glam is totally for me! 

Gap Toothed Peeps
Aw, how cute are gaps? I'd love to have one - I'll even admit, I used to draw one in the middle of my teeth with a black eye pencil! Face models with gaps are becoming extremely popular.

Gummy smile
So you don't like your whole gums showing? I had no idea this was an issue - 'dum' gum smiles are totally normal! At least you can show off your teeth, and have a big, wide smile!
Gummy smile is beautiful!

You teeth are imperfect?
No, they're perfect for you! Maybe you unique tooth arrangement makes you look cute, or original even. 

Plus, anyone who smiles, even with crooked teeth, will look so much prettier and more approachable! Jump and laugh everybody!

Did you know: Japanese women love to have crooked teeth, or 'Yaeba' style teeth. So much that women with straight teeth pay to have their teeth done in this crooked way! So a lot of you out there, count yourselves lucky!

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